Mind the mundanity gap...

Καταχώρηση 2015/11/06

Επικρατέστερες ανεξήγητες μαθηματικές εξισώσεις:

mundane = good & extraordinary = bad


M u n d a n e

1. lacking interest or excitement; dull.

"his mundane, humdrum existence"

synonyms: humdrum, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome, wearisome, prosaic, unexciting, uninteresting, uneventful, unvarying, unvaried, unremarkable, repetitive, repetitious, routine, ordinary, everyday, day-to-day, quotidian, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, common, workaday, usual, pedestrian, customary, regular, normal; unimaginative, banal, hackneyed, trite, stale, platitudinous; typical, vanilla, plain vanilla, hacky; banausic

"the mundane aspects of daily life"

antonyms: extraordinary, imaginative

2. of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one.

"according to the Shinto doctrine, spirits of the dead can act upon the mundane world"

synonyms: earthly, worldly, terrestrial, material, temporal, secular, non-spiritual, fleshly, carnal, sensual; sublunary

"the mundane world"